REIKI – Healing Light; EXISTENCE & Margot Reisinger


Sensitive instrumentation with flute, traditional Chinese flutes, pan flutes, Koto, acoustic guitar and keyboards is complemented by enchanting nature sounds and singing birds . The gentle rhythm of the Koto, in perfect harmony with flutes and guitar, allows us to experience the natural charm and meditative power of acoustic instruments.
The music on this album is especially arranged for Reiki sessions – a soft bell sound can be heard at three minute intervals.


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  • i hope this reiki reaches those who are are in need and receptive to it, i hope it will heal and fulfill you to transmute your state and break the all the cycles to move on to improved growth ones . so be it Amen.

    Paloma January 6, 2022 11:09 am Reply
  • ♥️

    L.perez Salgado January 6, 2022 11:09 am Reply

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