Reiki Healing Meditation – Reinventing Yourself with Reiki Mistresses Helen Chin Lui and Robin …


Thank you for joining us, Reiki Masters Helen Chin Lui and Robin Bornstein of

Tonight’s topic – We are meant to live our life purpose, but instead, fear gets in the way of doing so. We overthink our life purpose, and instead of being proactive, we end up spinning with confusion and frustrations. There are many roads to reinventing ourselves, and it begins with the first step of your journey. Please join us for future discussions:

3/6/22 11 am EDT, Live Ask the Reflexologist. I’ll answer your questions about reflexology and energy healing.

3/8/22 at 7pm EDT for another live reiki healing meditation – Why do Relationships change?

If you are looking for resource to help you to take your first step of your spiritual journey, check out, 15-part first step to your spiritual journey. 12 part Chakra 101 – Know Your Energy

Know Your Chakras by Helen Chin Lui. Look for it


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