Reiki Healing Music – Complete 7 Chakra Solfeggio Spectrum


Reiki Healing Music – Complete 7 Chakra Solfeggio Spectrum optimized for session balance.

Solace – Healing Music Meditation: This is a complete solfeggio/chakra meditation series that has been optimized for both guided and non guided Reiki, Sleep, Transcendental, Progressive Relaxation, Loving Kindness and Visualization meditations. This program features a framework of seven solfeggio frequencies starting with Root and carefully timed on through the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras – coupled with a visual guide for those that wish to use.

*We recommend using headphones (although not required) etc, set to a comfortable level that allows you to meet the audible frequencies halfway as opposed to overwhelming sensory perception and hindering intention. As with most of our meditations, this series is intended to be a comfortable, equitable conversation and not a lecture. Everyone is different, please experiment with a volume level that works best for you and your environment.

Thank you.


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