Reiki Healing Music with 3 mins bell; Angelic Frequency 666Hz; Cleansing, Unblock and Balancing Aura


Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.
Reiki is a form of complementary and alternative medicine; there’s evidence it can reduce daily stress and help with management of some chronic diseases.
Reiki can have measurable benefits when it comes to lowering blood pressure, improving sleep, lessening anxiety, and reducing pain.

The 5 reiki principles, and how to incorporate them into your life
Just for today, do not worry. …
Just for today, do not anger. …
Just for today, be humble. …
Just for today, be honest. …
Just for today, be compassionate toward yourself and others.


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