Reiki Healing Sessions and Workshops at HeartSong Normandie


Reiki healing sessions and workshops (Level 1, Level 2 and Master Teacher) at HeartSong Normandie, 50140 Mortain, France

“A healer’s power stems not from any
special ability, but from maintaining
the courage and awareness to embody
and express the universal healing power
that every human being naturally possesses.”
Eric Micha’el Leventhal

What is Reiki?
Rei – universal
Ki – life force/energy
(known as Chi in China or prana in India)

Reiki is energy healing. Working with the universal life force energy to heal ourselves and others. Reiki can be used to heal the present, past and future. It works with our emotional, mental, spiritual and physical selves.
Reiki is a healing system that originated in Japan for relaxation and stress relief. It works alongside and can be complementary to other medical treatments.

How Reiki Works
Reiki is administered to an individual through touch – ‘laying on hands’, as well as working in the space and aura surrounding the body.
Reiki/’life force energy’ flows through us all, and plays an important role in our health and well-being. If this is low then we are more susceptible to illness and feelings of stress. If our energy (or ki) is high and balanced then we are more able to experience health and well-being.
Reiki helps to correct the energy balance of the recipient and in doing so promotes their own self-healing process.
Reiki goes wherever it is needed in the body and energy field.

“Reiki is love,
Love is wholeness,
Wholeness is balance,
Balance is well being,
Well being is freedom from disease”
Dr Mikao Usui

If you would like any further information please get in touch and I will be happy to help. I look forward to sharing reiki with you soon.

Ema ❤
Usui Reiki Master-Teacher
HeartSong Normandie


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