Reiki healing to Break Repetitive Cycles


Remote Reiki session to break repetitive cycles that are no longer serving you.

Reiki is a Japanese energy-based healing modality that helps to restore the body’s natural balance with the purpose of relaxation and stress reduction.

Being in a sleep, awake, occupied or engaged in other activities while simultaneously
receiving Reiki, will never impair from its effectiveness.
Reiki always works for your highest good and most benevolent outcomes.

The infinite wisdom of Reiki flows only where it is desired, affecting matter at subtle levels. Your personal acceptance and openness to receiving this healing energy will dictate the level of energy to receive.

Each of us has our unique response to the healing energy and our experience can indeed vary from session to session. It depends on how sensitive someone is to energy. Just relax and enjoy this healing energy flowing to you.

This is a “real time” Reiki session recorded from the beginning to end.

In order for Reiki to work effectively, please be open to receiving the healing energy.
It is extremely beneficial to drink water after receiving Reiki as part of the healing process.

Important Note: This content is not intended to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or specialist care from your Medical Practitioner / GP / Consultant or other qualified health professional.


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