Reiki Healing to conceive a baby, for weight loss, for constipation, & for the lower back.


Reiki Healing to conceive a baby, for weight loss, for constipation, & for the lower back.

Hello Everyone,
My name is Surbhi I’m a Law of Attraction Coach, Tarot & Angel Card Reader, Angel Healer & USUI Reiki Healing Master.

Another Channel Name: Surbhi’s Spiritual Studio

ONLY FOR LADIES REIKI Healing Session to Conceive Baby, For Monthly Cycle, For Weightloss, For Constipation & For Lower Back
Date: 24th April 2022
Energy Exchange: Rs.199/-
Time: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Venue: Online Meet
Language: Hindi
For more details & registration purposes kindly mail us at

From: 26-Apr-2022 to 2-May-2022
Language: Hindi
Notes will be provided in PDF format.
The certificate will be issued after 21 Days Self Healing.
For more details & registration purposes kindly mail us at
Instagram I’d: surbhi_spiritual_studio
Don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to the Channel
Another Channel Name: Surbhi’s Spiritual Studio

Law of Attraction Workshops
– 31 Days Magical LOA Workshop (pre-recorded videos)
– 10 Days Wellness LOA Workshop (Online Meet)
– 7 Days SOULMATE Workshop
– 5 Days Money Magnet Whatsapp Program (pre-recorded videos)
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Usui Reiki Practitioner Course Level 1 & 2
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Other Playlist:
All About Law of Attraction:

Ho’oponopono Series-

Visualization Technique Series-

Manifestation Techniques:

LOA Success Stories:

LOA Daily Teachings:

All About Angels:


Your Questions my Answers:

Switch Word:

Moon Magic:


Usui Reiki Healing:

Money Manifestation:

Health Manifestation:

Scripting Series:

Thank you so much
I am grateful to have you all
Thank you again
Surbhi Kha
LOA Coach, Tarot & Angel Card Reader, Angel Healer & USUI Reiki Healing Master.

#lawofattraction, #manifestation, #surbhikha, #hindi, #fastmanifestation, #reiki, #usuireiki, #reikihealing, #reikihealingtoconceivebaby, #reiki healingformonthlycycle, #reikihealingforconstipation, #reikihealingforweightloss, #reikihealingforlowerback,


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