Reiki Master Teacher Reiki Classes Life Coaching Relaxation Chakras Holistic Healing


Hi I’m Joan Marlow, Reiki Master, teacher, life coach and owner of Peaceful Easy Healing. I’d like to invite you to explore posibilities. Webster defines posibilities as ones utmost power, capacity or ability. I invite you to explore your utmost power, abilities and capacity to set the stage for creting the life you were always meant to live. On this journey of exploration, we’ll use reiki, and or life coaching as well as other techniques to help you enhance your health and well being. I believe that together, we can create the life you were meant to live. One that is free of pain and discomfort and will bring to you wholeness at the body, mind and spiritual levels. Together we can clear the way to create the best life you can possibly live. Welcome to Peaceful Easy Healing where the emphasis is on healing possibilities. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique using hands, my hands passing energy through you, as well as using my intention, and my intention is always for your greatest and highest good. Reiki is like the wind. How would you describe the wind to somebody? You cant see it but you can feel the effects of it. Your hair may get tossled, the leaves might be blown, the same thing happens with Reiki, only Reiki moves things within you. Your body is made of energy, it’s through the energy blocks we have at times that bring about discomfort and pain. Reiki is here to help remove those blocks of energy. I simply rest my hands either on your body if your comfortable with touch, or lightly over your body. My intention is always for your greatest and highest good. It;s through my setting an intention that gets the reiki flowing.
The body is made of energy and within our body we have energy centers called chakras. The Reiki is smart enough to move to the problem areas within your body, and it is going to move this energy to remove the blockages to bering about health.
Health can come on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Starting at different parts of the body and moving across and over the body is how the Reiki happens.
Reiki is experiential in nature, every person that I have worked with, their experience is very different. Some people see colors while they are having the Reiki experience, some people smell smells. My goal is for you to relax, and through the relaxation is how your body is going to heal. I rest my hands over various energy centers and in this way, the blockages are felt, and removed, and the energy starts flowing in your body.
It’s through the correct flow of energy is where your healing is going to take place.
Reiki means universal life force energy, the universe is all around us and there is tons of wonderful energy. Once I set my intentions, I can bring the universal life force energy through my hands and into you.
Some of the wonderful benefits of Reiki include lowering blood pressure, reducing pain, helping at the emotional, spiritual and physical level. We’re looking also at folks that might be involved with cancer and some of the chemotherapy therapies involved.
Reiki can be used to benefit many different areas. You can look at it to help if you have arthritic pain, if you have fibromyalgia, if you are dealing with sleeplessness, nearly everything under the sun.
If you Google Reiki with any kind of an ailment, you’ll find that it’s been proven that it helps. It helps ease the discomfort. Discomfort comes from what happens in our lives. Stress takes over, we end up with dis ease or discomfort, Reiki is there to help you with that. It’s a means that you can heal and relax at many different levels and heal also at the mind, body and spirit level.
Reiki can be used for self healing, that’s how I got started in Reiki, and then grew to be a Master Teacher. I actually teach people how to use Reiki and give them the opportunity where they can heal themselves. That’s where the real beauty kicks in with Reiki.
We all have the answers to our lives within, but sometimes we just don’t know how to find those answers and pull those answers out to implement them, and for us to be able to live the life we want to live. That’s where coaching comes in to play. Coaching is a means where we take a look at where you are today, where you want to be in the future, and then we look at the obstacles and challenges that might be your belief system or they might truly be things that we need to look at that we need to eliminate to help you create this life that you’ve always wanted to live. Coaching is a wonderful way to clear the way and combining it with Reiki can certainly get rid of the things that might have been bogging you down for years. Things that were part of your belief system that we’ll turn around and start questioning and that’s where the true healing begins. Namaste.
For a Complimentary 1 hour Consultation call 480-223-8899.


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