Reiki Music | Energy Healing Mediation music 783Hz


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Please find about Reiki Healing if you are new to this meditation frequency Music below:

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.
During a meditation several years after developing Reiki, Mikao Usui decided to add the Reiki Ideals to the practice of Reiki. The Ideals came in part from the five prinicples of the Meiji emperor of Japan whom Mikao Usui admired. The Ideals were developed to add spiritual balance to Usui Reiki. Their purpose is to help people realize that healing the spirit by consciously deciding to improve oneself is a necessary part of the Reiki healing experience. In order for the Reiki healing energies to have lasting results, the client must accept responsibility for her or his healing and take an active part in it. Therefore, the Usui system of Reiki is more than the use of the Reiki energy. It must also include an active commitment to improve oneself in order for it to be a complete system. The ideals are both guidelines for living a gracious life and virtues worthy of practice for their inherent value.

“The secret art of inviting happinessThe miraculous medicine of all diseasesJust for today, do not angerDo not worry and be filled with gratitudeDevote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.Pray these words to your heartand chant these words with your mouthUsui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind.”The founder of ReikiUsui Mikao

Who invented Reiki?
Reiki, as it is practiced in the U.S. today, dates back to the teachings of Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1920’s. Usui was a lifelong spiritual aspirant, a lay monk with a wife and two children.

What is Reiki used for?
Reiki is a meditative practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes a positive mental state through gentle touch. Reiki self-treatment is a way to benefit from the therapy in your own home.

What do you wear to Reiki?
What Should You Wear to a Reiki Session? Wear comfortable clothes that you can relax in. If you’re coming from the office, feel free to bring a change of clothes — just be sure to check with the practitioner before your session to make sure there’s a place for you to change.

How do you start a Reiki session?
To begin any Reiki practice, you must activate the energy within yourself. Close your eyes and take a few rounds of deep breaths. Imagine the crown of your head opening and a stream of healing white light flowing from the top of your head, into your heart, and out through your arms and hands.

How long does Reiki last?
A typical reiki session lasts between 20 and 90 minutes.

What does seeing Colours during Reiki mean?
Seeing colours against closed eyelids during a Reiki session is common when the person is highly relaxed. The colours themselves are an indication that you are letting go and aware of the energy flowing through your body. These colours are associated with the ‘Chakras’ which are the energy centres of the body.

Why is it important to drink water after Reiki?
Drinking plenty of water flushes out toxins and tired energies. This will support the healing energies to continue. Notice how much water you drink for the few days after a session.

Is Reiki good for PTSD?
The core treatment option of Reiki is growing in its consideration for military medicine as a treatment for PTSD. Reiki, like so many therapy options, could be considered core treatment for PTSD because of its holistic approach to combat symptoms of PTSD.

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