Reiki, tempelkunnskap, emosjonelt arbeide og kanalisering – Helén Løddesøl (English subtitles)


Helén Løddesøl on Reiki, temples, emotional work, channeling Ra, and growing up with extra sensory abilities. (English subtitles by Jannecke Oinaes).

Ever since Helén was a child she has been seeing and hearing things that not everyone else did. It was not until she came into her thirties, that the Universe knocked on her door and she opened up for the gift she had had as a child. Today she is channeling, she is a healer, a Yoga teacher and gives classes in Reiki. Helén is also conducting courses with Lee Harris.

Helén har fra hun var liten av sett og hørt ting som ikke alle andre gjorde. Det var ikke før hun kom i tredve årene, at universet banket på døren Helén åpnet igjen opp for gaven hun hadde hatt som barn. I dag kanaliserer hun, healer, er Yoga lærer og holder kurs i Reiki. Helén holder også kurs sammen med Lee Harris.

Helén Løddesøl startet med Reiki i 2000, ble ferdig reikimester gjennom “The Reiki Network” i 2005 og ble reikimesterlærer i 2008.

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Music: Wisdom From North Theme Song by Ragnhild Barra Wisløff & Jannecke Øinæs (Oinaes). The song is available on iTunes and Amazon.
Jannecke Oinaes (Øinæs), Oslo



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