Reiki Training and Certifications Starts February 5, 2022


You are Warmly welcomed to join me in my reiki trainings. Reiki 1 will teach you how to use your energy, and work with your emotions. You will learn about the history about Reiki. We will do a 21 day Crystallisation process so that your innitiation will go into your physical layers, and you can start to wake up your sensitivity and six sense.
In Reiki 2 you will learn about the symbols, as well as the Arch Angels and how to create a sacred healing space. You will learn about the business of Reiki. And much more. Masters training is on a higher level, and you will receive the masters attunement. We will work with all the symbols and learn to embody them on a deeper level. I will also teach you basics in Sacred Geometry, and create a deeper understanding of how the universe is built up of vibrations and sound.

I am excited to meet you. Let’s book a phone call if you have questions.


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