Reiki Training In Person in the SF Bay Area


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Reiki is based on ancient healing wisdom that transcends time and culture. It is instinctual to put our hands on what hurts. It is common to observe children doing this when they hurt themselves. When one has a headache, it is common to put one’s hands on one’s head. For as long as we have been sentient beings, it is likely we have used our hands to heal.

I have spent my life devoted to studying healing practices from around the world. My methodology integrates an advanced knowledge of human anatomy and physiological processes for optimizing vitality and unfolding the mind and body’s latent potential. I am a licensed primary care provider, acupuncturist, and instructor in Reiki, yoga, dance, and bodywork.

I was first introduced to the practice of Reiki in the Himalayas in India where I was initiated into a journey of exploring the link between consciousness, healing, and our bodies. In 1998, I founded the Wu Wei School of Reiki.

In addition to providing healing sessions, I invite people to broaden their approach to disease, pain, and their environment. Having spent decades studying classical sources from various traditions, I strive to make these ancient teachings accessible to my patients and students in a way that relates to their everyday lives. When not traveling the world teaching, I run my Holistic Medical Arts clinic in Berkeley, CA.


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