(Reiki Training Los Angeles) (Reiki Energy Healing) (Reiki Master Workshops) Los Angeles Torrance
Call me at 310.592.1813 or email me at carlos@reikienergyhealingla.org for healing sessions or Reiki training
“My first Reiki session with Carlos was very profound, specially because I didn’t know what to expect. I was completely rested afterwords. It took me a while to get out of the table because I felt so relaxed! Carlos gave me all the time I needed to come back to my normal-conscious state.”
“It was so awesome because the body completely relaxes but I didn’t fall asleep. I was completely conscious, I could feel everything that was happening and going on around me. It wasn’t like I passed out and I woke up, it was the exact opposite. There was this connection with my body being active and yet rested. And my mind being flushed about unnecessary thoughts and calm. And then was this connection to my spirit! I can feel it! Feel it feel the room. I can feel the energy flowing from the source above, between Carlos and my self and … completely peaceful. Magical. Combination of body, mind and soul. Because you become one, all at the same time. You completely become in tune with all three and you are conscious of everything that happens. You are completely aware the whole time.”
“What Carlos told me was to pay attention to my body and it’s probably better if you don’t know a lot right now. ”
“I felt all this energy open up and I can feel energy flowing through me and parts of the experiences that were literally being dug-ed up, like old wounds. I was envisioning fresh-clean energy cleansing those wounds. and feeling it. My eyes are closed the whole time, I will feel where his hands will go and even though he wouldn’t be laying his hands on my but over my face… this intense heat”.
“I felt that I was getting this energetic oil change.”
“It was very powerful for me. I do Bikram Yoga and there are certain posses in Bikram Yoga that they talk about your chakras and what not and my heart was one of my centers in my first Reiki session where I felt emotions come out and I felt this turning over of old to new and this particular pose called the camel that I never do; because I felt that my heart was pounding out of my chest. After my first Reiki session with Carlos I went to Bikram and I was able to do that pose whitout this… and I knew that whatever was stuck in the, ”
I was able to do that pose without, without this (pounding on my heart sensation) … and I knew then that whatever was stuck in my heart chakra was gone and I was able to do that pose ever since.”
“The second session was completely different and yet much more intense. It felt it was intensified, was thicker. I felt energy leaves and fresh energy comes. Because I though I was going to experience what I experienced the first time. Not even close, no… and makes sense because we have different things that we deal at different times and what was addressed is what purged out me. In this session as his hands would touch certain points it was like I couldn’t even feel his hands anymore. It just melted in with my own energy and just those points became very, very intensified and as his hands will move they will go… cold right away and then I will fell the heat go to another area and then he will move and it will go cold. I felt this intense-amazing circulation of my cleansing.”
“I felt so grateful to have what was old gone and what it was new back and it was just, it was amazing! and I will absolutely recommended to any body! yes that’s what I will!”
“I felt like having an energetic oil change is so real! completely peaceful, completely calm, fresh.”
Useful Links
Reiki – Wikipedia
Reiki is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which has since been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions.
How Reiki Saved My Life – The International Center for Reiki Training
What Is Reiki? – The International Center for Reiki Training
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands”
How Reiki Saved My Life – Center for Reiki Training
American Reiki Academy
Teaching and initiating Reiki practitioners worldwide. • The longest-running Reiki school in Los Angeles. Los Angeles, California …
REIKI Training Los Angeles: Level I Certification
REIKI level I certification training in Los Angeles. Receive your REIKI energy attunement and learn to heal yourself and others.
Reiki class Los Angeles
Reiki Energetic Healing Los Angeles
Article Tags: alcohol rehab · Anxiety · california · drugs rehab · emotional trauma · energy healer · energy healer los angeles · hands on energy healing · healer · Los Angeles (City/Town/Village) · master · meditation · quit smoking · reiki · reiki certification · reiki energy healing · Reiki healing · reiki healing los angeles · reiki healing torrance · Reiki Healing Touch · reiki levels 1 2 3 mastery · reiki manhattan beach · reiki training los angeles · reiki workshop · Relaxation · santa monica · testimonial