Reiki Treatment for Uric Acid | Reiki Healing |Treatment for Joint Pain


Manipulated lifestyle and food related habits are responsible causes of joint pain. Adapt food related healthy habits for possessing good health. There are many kinds of joint pain such a rheumatoid, uric acid, eating synthetic pudding, arthritis and osteoporosis due to menopause. Base chakra (mool adhar chakra) controls skeletal system. Through reiki healing, base chakra supplies energy to our bones and muscles. Energized solar plexus chakra controls uric acid that affects our stomach, intestine, liver. Lack of nutrition to blood veins can be eliminated by healing heart chakra. Reiki and acupressure kit can tame such kind of pain comfortably at home with the assurance of no side effect like allopathic treatment and CD along with manual enables the user to utilize correct healing technique on specific body points.


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