Reiki – with Kerry Walker-Collins


Learn about the healing art of Reiki! Episode 10 is part one of a two-part series about Reiki. In this episode, I chat with Reiki Master and Practitioner Kerry Walker-Collins, from Laguna Beach, California. She’s been practicing for 11 years. She talks about how Reiki can help you, how it’s done and how to become attuned to Reiki. She also provides tips on choosing a Reiki practitioner.

Kerry also shares her personal healing journey in the latter part of this episode.

Visit to learn more about the services Kerry offers in her practice!

Show notes are below.

[2:50] What is Reiki and who can it help?
[9:15] How does one learn, or become attuned to, Reiki?
[10:30] How do practitioners channel the reiki energy?
[12:15] Is it normal to cry or feel emotional after a Reiki session?
[13:38] Reiki and the medical community
[17:00] How to find a Reiki practitioner
[19:00] Kerry’s personal journey of healing from alcoholism
[26:30] How meditation and other practices work along with Reiki.


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