Roohani Reiki Healing Stories – coming out of Coma


Love is the most powerful healing energy.

“On Solomon islands, the tribals do not cut down a tree. They surround the tree and curse it for hours every day.
Within a few weeks, the tree dries up and becomes dead. When the tribals of Solomon Islands curse a tree, they are actually installing negative and harmful beliefs in the tree’s mind (yes, trees do have minds too!).

Within a few days, those negative beliefs change the molecular architecture of the tree and kill it from inside.”
– courtesy

So now imagine the potential energy of love and how it can affect a person’s healing journey.

Sharing the healing journey of Megha.

“Eventually, you will come to understand
that love heals everything,
and love is all there is.

The journey may take many lifetimes,
but you will complete it.
It is impossible not to complete it.
It is not a question of if but of when.

Every situation you create
serves this purpose.

Every experience you encounter
serves this purpose.”
– Gary Zukav

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