Seeing Things For The First Time – How My Intuitive and Psychic Journey Began



This video is an uncut unedited version of me explaining the beginnings of my intuitive and psychic abilities. I am sharing this in an effort to start an open dialogue with others who may be having similar experiences.

As I sit here as a middle aged adult I can look back on my life and recognize that I have always displayed empathic qualities. However, I never felt particularly intuitive or clairvoyant. As I began to train as a Reiki Practitioner this world began to unfold. At the first level of training, while performing Reiki with my instructor, I saw a vast array of colors. I could instantly feel, intuitively, where she had energetic anomalies and knew where the energy needed to shift. And then I began to see energy. I could see where energy was blocked in the body, where it was accumulated, and where energy was flowing properly. These abilities were blossoming by my level two training session, and by the time I reached the Reiki Master Level I was connecting with spirits, channeling and receiving direct messages for those around me.

I am intuitive, meaning I am able to connect with the higher consciousness of my clients, and deliver messages to them from their higher selves. I am a psychic medium. I have the ability to connect spirits among the living and the dead. And, I am a Channeler. I receive direct downloads from spirit and the information flows through me like water through a hose.

An example of this is, I had a colleague who messaged me regarding the inability to lose weight. I was told to pull one card from a particular oracle deck. I pulled a card, it was “The Power of the Divine Masculine” card. The interpretation of the card and the reason she had not been able to shed the weight came directly from spirit. I typed a message out in a matter of seconds that was remarkably eloquent and it pieced together the puzzle for this client in a way that there is no way on God’s Green Earth that my brain could have ever done so. Especially in such a short amount of time. It was bizarre! I was actually taken back. My eyes filled with tears. I had chills from head to toe. When I am intentionally connecting, chills are always an indicator of spirit confirmation. I was stunned. Sitting there in my chair thinking THAT just happened! And, the crazy part is, I knew exactly what it was. I didn’t question it for a second. I even articulated it to the client!

I work with these energies and am harnessing these abilities in an effort to help more people and bring more light to this world. I offer Intuitive, Psychic Medium and Channeling Services on my website. All of my Reiki sessions include Sound Therapy and Intuitive/Psychic Services. A Reiki Session is the most comprehensive healing service that I offer.

Link to purchase Lightworker Oracle: Guidance & Empowerment for Those Who Love the Light:

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Fairchild, A., & Duguay, M. (2017, May 17). Lightworker Oracle: Guidance & Empowerment for Those Who Love the Light.


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