Self-Reiki for Beginners


Have you ever tried Self-Reiki?

For those who aren’t familiar, reiki is a healing practice that involves the utilization of one’s hands to transfer energy into the body to improve the flow of ‘chi’, or what we know as Universal life energy.

This technique assists in restoring the energetic balance of a being- physically, emotionally, mentally, & spiritually.

The beautiful benefits of Reiki include:
-promote natural self-healing
-increase relaxative state
-enhance stress reduction
-remove energy blocks (nerves are energy sources)

If you are hesitant to seek out a Reiki practitioner, try out some self-reiki first to see if it’s suitable for your needs. There are certain hand placements that you mirror over different parts of your body for where you need to restore balance. However, keep in mind that it’s only a guide to help you start out and you should listen to your body to intuitively hear where you need attention. (As what I demonstrated above)

Are you into energetic healing? Would you try self-reiki?

Comment below your experience with reiki or any other helpful tips with energetic healing✨


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