Sending Reiki and Holding Space ClubQ


This is a space for tears, healing, anger, fears, and anything else you can experience as you grieve right now. This is an unconditionally loving space, where you can be and process exactly where you are.

This Reiki is being sent within the intentions of unconditional love and protection.

This isn’t going to be much about words. I have hardly had words and though tears have been flowing, it’s almost as if that resource is not yet replenished from all the releasing needed over the last days, years, and lifetimes. This is heartbreaking on many levels, including two of the five were of trans experience and this all happened overlapping with Transgender Day Of Remembrance. Two days of mourning, except that it isn’t just two days of mourning because this has happened too many times before. This needs to stop. We need to remember the unconditional love.

My heart is with the community and their loved ones in CS, especially ClubQ. For those who would like to learn more about the beautiful souls, find information here.

Say their names:

Derrick Rump, 38
Daniel Aston, 28
Kelly Loving, 40
Raymond Green Vance, 22
Ashley Green Paugh, 35

How To Receive The Reiki
“I choose to receive this Reiki for my highest good and for the highest good of all.”

How To Provide The Reiki
You know

Namaste Friends and thank you for watching!!! If you resonate please do subscribe, comment, and like!!!

With love, light, and gratitude,

Jamie (he/they)

Handle: @TrannabisChi

Gratitude Tips Appreciated:

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