Sexual Reiki – Attract a Romantic Partner for Love & Joy | Distant Healing, Loneliness Curse Removal


Reiki frequency for distant healing channels the high vibration energy that restores the integrity of your aura and cleanses the energy trails from your pats partners. These old sexual energy marks often carry both yours and your former partners’ karma. These karmic leeches can be intuitively sensed by other people preventing you from building and maintaining the healthy and harmonic relationships. In ancient witchcraft this effect is often referred to as “loneliness curse”.

This loneliness curse is caused by active attachments from your former sexual partners who drain your spiritual energy while thinking about you, especially in a sexual context (for example, while masturbating). It doesn’t mean that they wish to hurt you, they normally are not aware about it. Frankly, you are doing exactly the same when you think about any of them. Therefor, these old energy links must be broken and your spiritual virginity must be restored.

That’s exactly what reiki frequency for sexual healing does – it restores your energetic purity turning your into a virgin again in a spiritual way. The potential partners sense these energy signals and get attracted to you in no time. Every individual spirit senses the virgin energy and wants to merge with it. The reiki sexual healing meditation wipes away all the attachments from the past and lets you build strong and fulfilling relationships with your destined one.

Reiki relationship healing also works very well for existing couples who have relationship problems sometimes. The reiki distant healing meditation cleanses the auras of both partners and lets them experience the new honeymoon. They may even live through ultimately intense contact, as they both are virgins this time – imagine the intensity of the feelings and senses when two people with virgin auras start making love to each other!

The reiki music works equally well for both women and men. In order to obtain the best results I suggest playing this track every day for one or two weeks. You don’t need to concentrate or meditate, you can go on with you regular routines, just let the music sound in the background for the whole day and possibly for the whole night. Avoid having sexual contacts or masturbating during the period of healing. When the healing is over (believe me, you will feel when it happens!), embrace your new life and dive into the realm of joy, happiness and spiritual wellness.

Composition number: 22266


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