Shaman's Reiki Training with Billie Topa Tate


In the world of energy there is the Shaman and the wisdom of the Shaman. The healing properties and qualities of energy are the Shaman’s tools. In our Reiki history we receive training to access beautiful healing realms where virtuous universal life force resides. These wonderful realms of higher virtuous vibrations are where angels, healing helpers, virtuous teachers and healing light resides and is created.

We all know that Reiki applied to the physical body and the energy field truly assists our mind body and spirit to receive healing energy. The Reiki practitioner uses Reiki Symbols and applies these symbols on to the energy field and the physical body of the recipient. These symbols vibrate at a healing vibrational rate which assists the body to help change the vibration of the illness to the healing energy that the Reiki symbols helps promote. This in itself can facilitate shifts of thoughts, feelings, images and vibrations of the illness. I can remember one of my teachers saying “the issues are in the tissues”. Which is a short way of saying that the traumas, imprints, memories and blocks can reside at various levels of our mind, body and spirit level. While Reiki is a very healing tool / modality I’d like to introduce you to how I combine Reiki with Indigenous Native healing tools.

In this class, you will learn …

Story of the Great Spirit creating mother earth walking with the archangels on the earth
State of grace, Invoke for your divine helpers and energetic resources
Cleared the area, Balance the five elements, Practice Self care and Site specific
Clear the energy field of the person
Use the reiki symbols in vibrational states and qualities of sound spheres of light


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