She Healed Chronic Arthritis Pain by enrolling in Reiki Certification Program and is pain free NOW!


Aashima’s story is very inspiring, she joined our community to learn Reiki and enrolled in the Certification Program of Life Canvas Academy. She was suffering from acute pains and aches because of her condition of chronic Arthritis and used to take minimum 4 pills to relieve the pain. Now in last 6 months it has come down to zero.
After this amazing transformation, she has started healing family and friends and is now monetizing her knowledge and skills and has earned Rs 50 thousand much more than she had invested

Aashima is such as amazing action taker and has now enrolled in Quantum healing program of “LCA” to work side by side on her mindset.

She also plans to start her journey as a Life coach and is enrolling in our academy’s Life Transformation and Reiki Grand Master program as she also believe in academy’s core value of Golden Triangle of Learn, do and Teach.

Congratulations Aashima!


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