Solar Plexus Healing & Activation | 20 Minute Reiki ASMR | Drive & Purpose


Hello and welcome to my channel! 🙏❤️

This is the third chakra healing video in my 20 Minute Reiki series. I hope you enjoy it!

The solar plexus (3rd chakra), also known as Manipura or ‘This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: * of Jewels’ is located in the upper belly (diaphragm). It is the emotional centre and is associated with masculine God energy, the element of fire and the sun. It resonates with the colours yellow and gold. 🔥🌞💛🌻

This chakra is responsible for drive, ambition, motivation, will power, self confidence and the digestive system. A blocked or imbalanced solar plexus can manifest as irresponsible behaviour, insecurity, feeling helpless, victim mentality, controlling behaviour and gastric/digestive problems.

In this session I will be taking you through some reiki and yoga poses to realign, balance and energise you. I will also take you through some solar visualisations to draw strength and healing from the sun.

** If you do not wish to activate your sacral chakra and receive reiki healing or you feel uncomfortable please click off the video during the introduction. Thank You. **

** I am not a doctor, dietician or yoga instructor. Information given in this video and the description are for guidance only. If you have any health concerns please consult a qualified practitioner.**


Music Credits:

*Forever Sunrise by the incredibly talented Jonny Easton

His channel:

*528Hz Meditation Music by Nature Healing Society:


I am a certified angelic healer with The Angelic Reiki Association and certified Angel Healer with The Centre of Excellence.

I am also a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master combining Usui and Tibetan Reiki.


This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: *


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