Spellcasting & Numerology Readings / Water Scrying Divination & Reiki Healing – Unforeseen


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The art of collapsing entire galaxies into 1 dimensional points. Join us in Saturn’s Cube as we gaze through the underworlds, and alter reality.

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#oracle – 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Certain events may cause backtracking. In the past you might have had to apply some creative solutions that have become obsolete. During the process though, you learned some niche skills that give you a unique advantage when unforeseen events come to set you backward. We learn from our mistakes and our breakthroughs. We make ourselves aware of our responsibilities, and we apply ourselves, our knowledge to the best of our ability. This results in growth and evolution. Even when the universe puts you back where you started, despite your efforts. You are still in a better position than you were the first time.

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