🙋‍♀️ Did you know: Everything we experience is created first with thought, whether it’s conscious or not.

Whatever our problem is, our experiences are the outer effects of our thoughts.

For example 👇
Knee problems represent pride and ego. The inability to bend. Fear. For whatever reason you feel like you need to protect yourself. One of the ways to help heal this is to practice forgiveness, understanding and compassion. An affirmation for this is I bend and flow with ease, all is well ❤️

I have so much compassion for where you are, whether you’re at the start of your Spirituality journey or further down the track. We’re all doing our best right and knowledge is power. I’m here to EMPOWER you with the knowledge and means to truly heal ✨️

So I invite you today to look up the spiritual meaning, take back your power to heal your body, face up to fears and limiting beliefs that are keeping you from living a life you truly, deep down desire ❤️🙏

In an energy healing session, your body lets me know where you may have subconscious blocks. Some clients prefer to know and others are happy just to receive the healing energy, it’s up to you whether or not you’d like to explore in a safe, non judgemental and supportive environment 🥰 I’m here to empower you back to your beautiful self, a life with more ease and flow.

#subconsciousblocks #energyhealer #energyhealing #healer #naturalhealing #healing #knees #kneeproblems #problemswithknees #spiritualmeaningkneepain

There are 4 ways I can support you with living your best life:

1. A Reiki Intuitive Healing Session to explore what is being stored and needs to be released. Book he

2. My self-love bundle is a great resource to guide you back to yourself AND guides you to shift your focus as well as acknowledge too

3. You can join my free FB Community Group Align with Aley Young where I’ll be hosting all my free workshops

4. You can follow me on my socials for more healing tips and ideas or even visit my website and read my healing, manifestation & self-love blogs💡

♡♡♡ Connect with Me ♡♡♡

PodCast: Align Your Energy with Joy and Abundance

Reiki Intuitive Healing:

Facebook: aley.young.7

Instagram: @aleyyoung8


YouTube: @aleyyoung8


Journals, Planners and more


Aley is a Reiki Master Intuitive Healer (Usui lineage). She’s been studying energetics for the past 3 years and has become fascinated with how we can use our minds and intention to heal our bodies and align our thoughts with joy and abundance, creating the life we truly desire.

Her mission is to empower women all around the world to remember their magic within, our true power.


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