Star Seed Transmission and Reiki Healing to be in the Knowing Peace


Kick start your awakening and book privates with Carolina for quantum healing
Carolina teaches classes to share the healing art of finding balance, health, vitality and spiritual awakening and deepening. Master Teacher, Yoga Senior Teacher/Trainer. Carolina is a Level 4 reiki Master practitioner, certified mystical Shaman and Master healer, Soul Coach and Medicine Woman. She offers private healing sessions, reiki sessions, house blessings and guided detoxes, soul journeys, and spiritual awakening workshops. Tarot card intuit. She offers Reiki infused selenite necklaces from her website. Spiritual Alchemy. Soul Coach.

Wednesday Nights 7:30PM Live Classes

#Channeling #awakening #boundaries #spiritual #yoga Carolina Goldberg is a Los Angeles based 500-hour Experienced -Registered Yoga Teacher-Trainer & Master Reiki Healer, with 30,000+ hours of teaching/healing experience.


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