Start a yoga practice – 3 Top Tips (over 50).


You want to start some regular movement and you are over 50 years young, but you don’t know how to begin! Live video about 3 top tips for how to start a yoga practice.
🔥 You are frustrated with yourself for not doing some form of movement.
🔥 I have been where you are now. I used to have pain in all different parts of my body because of stress. The therapist told me that I had to start doing some form of movement daily or I would always be in pain and back in her office. So, I started practicing yoga movements and other healing modalities and now I have no pain and I have a more positive outlook on life.
🔥 So here is a live video about 3 top tips for starting a yoga practice.
🔥Go to the in my profile to read the Blog: Over 50? How to get started with a regular yoga practice and join the conversation at the face book group “Over 50?” Be REJUVENATED not re-TIRED.”
🔥I am very excited to announce my new FREE program: “3 Days to Boost Your Mental Health.” Are you concerned about your mental and physical health? Go to my in my profile and look for “Freebie” and sign up for this new FREE program. It’s FREE! Here is the link:
🔥Also, please fill out the SURVEY for over 50 years young to help to serve you better. Here is the link:
🔥🔥🔥🔥 If you are interested in doing any Ayurvedic Health Consulting Programs or 200 Hour Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training available at, click on this link here:

Yoga is the best medicine and the ultimate solution for health problems.

Kerrine is a certified and professional yoga trainer, Reiki Practitioner, and
Certified Magnetic Mind Coach – Positive Mindset transformational Coach, creating a healthy change by helping you to discover how to live a fulfilling vibrant life after 50, working with mindset, energy and yoga.

Get in touch with her at email:
Follow her on IG:
Facebook: Kerrine Ramsey

Help her organization by donating for a good cause at
Keep Healing!
Stay healthy!

Hi, my name is Kerrine and I am a registered yoga teacher and Certified Reiki Practitioner and Certified Magnetic Mind Coach. In continuing to watch this video and practice yoga with me and energy work, you release me from any liability related to any injuries or issues which may arise from the risks of practicing yoga and energy work through this video. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS IN PARTICIPATING IN THIS YOGA CLASS. These videos are posted for educational and informational purposes only and not tailored to you specifically in any way. Please ensure you are practicing in a safe space and consult a medical professional before practice. Lastly, please take notice that the techniques of practice and approach to yoga contained in these videos are simply my approach to practice and I make no representations about their efficiency or any results from practice. Namaste and enjoy the class 🙂


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