Tasks and Tips to Elevate in Spirituality Online Class of 03-02-2024


#bkclass #subtlekarma #lifelessons

Divine Souls, Namaste,
My Humble Pranaams to Almighty God Paramatma and to you all,
Following is the description of “Tasks and Tips to Elevate in Spirituality Online Class of 03-02-2024”,

Be Blissful always to completely eradicate Sanchit Karmas,
Every problem has a cause and an effect, we call it karma, in allopathic medicine, naturopathy healing, reiki etc only the effect is removed but the cause remains this can spring up or sprout anytime, it can also manifest in a different manner and effect the person who is believed to have been healed, the effect can also affect the person who is performing the healing, so we should always try to find out what the cause is and try to remove the effect from the root,
Make everyday a No-Complaint day
For old Karmas to dissolve just sit simply don’t create any Negative intentions or negative thoughts, you breathing simply, your heart beating that itself can handle the Old Karmas,
Every thought you create the Hypothalamus Secretes Chemicals accordingly, you create good thoughts it creates helpful Hormones if you create Negative Thoughts it creates Toxins which will affect every Cell of your body,
Don’t Resist, Reject, React, don’t complain…Don’t React
Simple explanation of Spirituality is, when I close my eyes I find peace within, when I open my eyes my attitude is what can I do for you, what can I give to the whole world, a Spiritual person is unselfish… Hence his mind is relaxed and better focused…
Other worldly people experience this, when they close their eyes all sorts of thoughts, worries, negatives emerge… And when they open their eyes they expect a lot from others i.e what can they get from other people is their question… A worldly person is selfish… selfish people have narrowed focus, this leads to tension, stress and frustrations…
Your identification with your body itself is karma, Because you identify with your Body, you identify other Bodies too, your reaction is a root cause of all karmas, the more reactions the more karmas and you will move further away from your own self… You react for good events as well as bad events… Your reactions for the unfavorable circumstances and the favourable circumstances will create Karma and increase your identification with your body…
A spiritual seeker is one who wants to know his real nature beyond this body mind complex…
The cause of your reaction is raga-dwesha (Attachement/Anger and aversion/hatred) according to Sage Patanjali… These are like two sides of the same coin if you have one the other one is bound to come with that…
What we Souls take along with us at the time of leaving the Body,
Our Aasti, Property is Shresth Karma Shresth Bhagya Shresth Sanskar and Daivi Gunn,
What we Human Beings bring along with us at the time of birth
Every human being as soon as he takes birth in the womb of his/her mother comes with the following,
1. Aayush (Life Span),
2. Bhagya or fortune (Fate or destiny or Karma phala of our last lives),
3. Wealth (Wealth means health money happiness prosperity property,etc.),
4. Knowledge what We will be entitled to gain,
5. Death (How, when, where, etc.),
You are the source of your life, Karma means your life is your own making…
My life is my making… What ever happened till now forget it, how will you make your tomorrow ???
My life is my making… When you clearly know this you can create a wonderful next moment, next day, your future…
If you take control of your body upto 20% of your life will be in your control, If you have mastery over your mind upto 60% of your life will be in your control, If you take your life energies in your control 100% of your destiny will be in your control, the day of birth and death will be decided by you…
How conscious you are will determine how much of your destiny you determine, how unconscious you are will determine how much of your destiny is accidental… It’s become our nature to attribute all that is accidental to some External force, Planets, Stars, God, Black Magic, etc… What is happening to you right now is entirely your making… So your life is your karma (your doing), your life is your making…
For 24 hours if there is no anxiety in you, no anger, no irritation, no frustration, no stress no strain none of the negative emotions, if you are completely in bliss, your intelligence will increase 100%…

In Humble Service of Almighty God Paramatma,
Thanks & regards,
Thank you God for Everything


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