The Joy of Puffin Reiki


I always say that becoming a Reiki practitioner can turn you into even more of an animal magnet, and this story is a perfect example…We made our way down to the underwater viewing area for Rocky Shores at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium where the common murres and the puffins swim to collect their prayers in ceremony for my annual class Listening to Zoo Animal Ambassadors. Sometimes the birds get very interactive with us at the window, and this was definitely one of those days.

The students had their prayers sticks ready, and the common murres paddled down our lineup, adding their prayers. Once they were complete, we were approached by a puffin who was missing an eye on his right side.

The puffin paused in front of Stacey, interacting, and adding his prayers to the prayer stick she carried. And then he focused on me. I am not able to carry a prayer stick due to needing to interact with the students and the Animals Ambassadors while also taking photos for the stories to share with the virtual students, but Puffin recognized that I had Reiki on tap, and made it clear that he wanted some by coming right up to me and making eye contact.

After confirming his permission, I began offering him Reiki. Puffin was so excited to receive the healing energy that he had his beak and chest feathers pressed up against the glass. And he kept saying, “Come closer, come closer,” he wanted to go beak-to-nose with me! I laughed and told him I couldn’t get any closer because the glass was in the way.

Puffin continued to draw on the Reiki like a feathered sponge, and when he’d finally had enough, he was feeling great and it was party time! He went into a kind of joyous fluff and wash mode, spinning in circles while flinging water every which way. And his enjoyment was infectious, we all laughed with delight! Thanks to Ralee who took the video, I am able to share this fun moment with all of you!

Learn how to offer Reiki or refresh your Reiki skills with my live, personally mentoried Reiki Level 1 class, available worldwide. It’s a great way to start the New Year! To learn more:

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Enjoy the beauty of the season!
Rose De Dan
Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing


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