Things people needs to know about energy healing


Things people needs to know about energy healing

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Hallo powerful galactic beings, welcome back to another video. In order to understand energy healing, you have to understand energy itself and its dynamics. Basic Foundational Knowledge: All things in the Universe are composed of energy. Energy vibrates at certain frequencies, some of which are easily perceived, and some of which are so subtle your regular physical senses cannot typically perceive them. Thoughts, and the emotions they prompt humans to engage in, are forms of energy which people create. These energies originate from people and sweep out of them like small currents of air. A pleasant emotion, or an angry thought, can travel from a person and cover a large distance before it is picked up by, or commingles with, another person. I bring this up to include thoughts and emotions because this is important to the idea of healing with energy. Heavy thoughts and emotions (fear, anger, judgments and so on) are hard, harsh, and sometimes painful, to a human being. But if you are not energy aware, it will not even register on you. Light thoughts and emotions (love, compassion, forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, acceptance, and so on) are easy, calm, and pleasant to human beings. But again, if you are not energy aware you won’t even notice. Now, heavy energies (often referred to as “toxic” energies) can accumulate in a body. When they do, our body’s physical cells (remember, ALL things are energy, including our bodies) become overwhelmed and overloaded by them. Our bodies are naturally self-regulating and return to a positive balance if left alone.

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