Things to Know When Presenting to Your Shelter or a Group


This week we talked about presenting Animal Reiki to your shelter. Unless you are a professional speaker or in sales, speaking to a group or even just one person and presenting your offer can be a little intimidating and overwhelming.

Thankfully there are a few things you can do that will help ease the tension and create a space where everyone can be heard and understood.
During the call, we covered:

– How knowing your “why” will allow you to feel more confident in what you are presenting. Your “why” is one of your biggest selling points.

– Why it’s okay to get a no and recognize that many factors go into a no and it’s not always a no to Animal Reiki.

– The three things you need to be to give a winning presentation – prepared, personal, and present. If you follow these three P’s you will be successful!

– There is one word you should never use – or use sparingly – in your presentation. You will be shocked to hear what this word is as it goes against what you might believe. By avoiding this one word and substituting it with another, you’ll capture your audience’s interest. Guaranteed!

– Using the SARA pamphlet to explain what Animal Reiki is, how it can be incorporated into the shelter, the benefits for both humans and animals and to show authority. SARA has been bringing Animal Reiki to shelters globally for 16 years!

– Fun tips that you might not think about but will help you get a yes!

Important Information You Need to Hear:

The time flew by and I want to share one important tip we didn’t cover and that’s about tone. When you are practicing your presentation, be sure to record yourself. Not only will this help you understand if you are forgetting important information, you will be able to hear your tone. Are you too loud? Speaking too softly? Do you have a pleasant tone or a harsh tone? Are you speaking too quickly or taking too many pauses? This is very valuable information to have as your tone could make or break your presentation!

We also talked about providing proof Animal Reiki works. Since there is a lack of studies for Animal Reiki, the only proof we have are our case studies and those of others. We used to say we have “anecdotal evidence” but that can sometimes imply the evidence may not be true or reliable. A term you can use to explain how Animal Reiki works would be to say “experiential evidence” or “case-based evidence”.

Jill Johnson had a wonderful suggestion I encourage you to use. She said to use the term qualitative evidence. This is a fantastic term and one I will be incorporating! Here’s an example of how you can use this term: “Our approach to supporting animals through Reiki is grounded in qualitative evidence gathered from detailed case studies and firsthand observations. This evidence demonstrates how animals respond positively to Reiki, showing signs of relaxation and peace that are not easily quantified but are deeply felt and observed.” I love this so much!! Thank you, Jill!

And finally, Ann Schurmer made the most incredible observation at the end of our discussion about presenting to a shelter. Ann shared that just like we honor the animals’ agency in our Animal Reiki sessions, we need to honor the shelter’s agency! By doing this, it takes the sting out of no! I have chills as I write this because we can clearly see how our Animal Reiki practice can guide us to success in all areas of our life! If we can approach people, situations, and animals with the same respect of honoring agency, then we can’t go wrong!

There was much much more so be sure to watch the replay.

If you liked this video, please join us live every Wednesday at 10:30 am PT for answers to all your questions about animal reiki and animal meditation. No experience necessary! All are welcome!

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