Unlocking Your Intuitive Potential: Exploring the Clair Senses and Somatic Practices


The clair senses, derived from the French word ‘clair’ meaning clear, encompass a spectrum of intuitive abilities that allow us to perceive information beyond the physical realm. Each clair sense corresponds to a different way of receiving intuitive insights.

According to Vedic sciences, the subtle body consists of several layers or sheaths, each with its own unique characteristics and functions. These layers are known as koshas, which means “sheath” or “covering” in Sanskrit. The koshas are conceptual frameworks used to understand the multidimensional nature of human existence and consciousness. The five koshas are:

Annamaya Kosha (Physical Sheath): This is the outermost layer of the subtle body and corresponds to the physical body. It is composed of the elements of the earth and is responsible for physical sensations, movements, and actions. The annamaya kosha is associated with the gross physical body and is nourished through food and water.
Pranamaya Kosha (Energy Sheath): The pranamaya kosha is the layer of the subtle body that is responsible for the flow of prana, or life force energy. It governs vital functions such as breathing, circulation, and metabolism. This kosha is associated with the breath and the subtle energy channels known as nadis.

Manomaya Kosha (Mental Sheath): The manomaya kosha is the layer of the subtle body that encompasses thoughts, emotions, and mental activities. It is the seat of the mind and is responsible for processing sensory information and generating thoughts and feelings. The manomaya kosha is associated with the faculty of the mind and is influenced by external stimuli and internal conditioning.

Vijnanamaya Kosha (Wisdom Sheath): The vijnanamaya kosha is the layer of the subtle body that is associated with higher intelligence, intuition, and discernment. It represents the aspect of consciousness that is capable of transcending ordinary perception and accessing deeper levels of insight and understanding. The vijnanamaya kosha is associated with the faculty of wisdom and is the bridge between the individual self and the universal consciousness.

Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath): The anandamaya kosha is the innermost layer of the subtle body and represents the aspect of consciousness that is pure bliss and joy. It is the essence of our being and is untouched by suffering or limitation. The anandamaya kosha is associated with the experience of deep peace, contentment, and spiritual fulfillment.

These five koshas are interconnected and interpenetrate each other, forming the multidimensional framework of the subtle body. By understanding and working with the koshas, individuals can cultivate holistic well-being and spiritual growth, leading to a deeper understanding of their true nature and ultimate reality.

Clairvoyance allows us to ‘see’ beyond the physical realm, while clairsentience enables us to ‘feel’ subtle energies and emotions. Claircognizance grants us the innate knowing of information without logical reasoning, while clairaudience allows us to ‘hear’ messages from higher realms. Clairgustance allows us to ‘taste’ energetic frequencies, and clairalience enables us to ‘smell’ subtle scents associated with spiritual presences.

Somatic practices, such as yoga, meditation, and breathwork, offer powerful tools for enhancing our intuitive abilities. By cultivating awareness of the body and tuning into subtle sensations, we can deepen our connection to our inner wisdom and intuition.

Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned practitioner, exploring the clair senses and incorporating somatic practices into your daily routine can lead to profound shifts in your intuitive awareness and personal growth.

Thank you for joining Michelle Berry on this exploration of the clair senses and somatic practices. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videos on intuitive development, mindfulness, and holistic wellness. Until next time, may you trust the whispers of your intuition and embrace the journey of self-discovery.

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