Want to Become a Reiki Teacher? FREE Introductory Reiki Teacher Training Module 1


Reiki Teacher Training Certification Course is now Available!

After you have learned to channel Reiki, the Reiki Master symbols, and strengthen your Reiki Intuition – What’s Next? Reiki Teacher Certification enables you to attune, empower, and teacher new Reiki students!

This course is the 5th course in a 5-course Certification path in Reiki Healing. In this Reiki Teacher Training Certification course you will learn:

Attunements & Empowerments
A Reiki Teacher is the source of one’s connection to the Reiki Energy. You will learn how to perform these empowerments and attunement for your own students. This will initiate your own Reiki lineage and allow you to guide someone in the experience and use of Reiki. In the Reiki Teacher course you will learn:
• How to give Western Attunements and Japanese Empowerments
• How to send Distance Reiju Empowerments
• How to lead Reiki meditations

Planning a Course Curriculum
We spend some time talking about how to plan out a timeline for teaching your Reiki Courses. You may choose to teach in-person or online and we will discuss the how to both effectively. We will also discuss some useful teaching strategies for your Reiki courses.

You Will Receive:

Teacher Materials
After completion of the course, you will receive a Microsoft Word copy of all the course manuals to update and amend according to your practice and branding.

The Course Manual
Each course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual. There is no need to take notes. On our courses you can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything we do is there in the manual for you to take home with you.

The Certificate
All courses are accompanied by a certificate, in this case confirming that you have received training and have been initiated into Reiki at Teacher level. The certificate indicates you are qualified to teach Reiki and give attunements and empowerments.

View All Available Reiki Certifications Courses Here:


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