Weekly message for the 16th October


Welcome to my YouTube Channel

Here I will share daily and weekly readings, Free Live Psychic Readings and guidance on self-care.

Live Mediumship reading to bring a message from your loved ones
I will be sharing some Tarot Lessons – how to start reading Tarot and some interesting spread and tips.

Meditation to bring peace and love into your life and some self-hypnosis to help you sleep and feel at peace

Thank you for joining me on this magical journey – exploring Tarot and the psychic world.
I love hearing from you all and offering insight for those that need some guidance.
I have always been a spiritual person and always been aware that there was something more going on than just the life that we see.
I began this journey with Tarot and learning energy healing which I developed by becoming a Reiki Mater and studying various diverse forms of healing.

I have also been guided to learn Mindfulness and Life Coaching, Cognitive Therapy and NPL counselling so armed with these skills and my psychic ability I am able to offer Psychic counselling and in depth Tarot readings, to help you move forward in a positive direction and help you discover what is holding you back, these insights enable you to live your life to the full.

Follow me here:

If you would like to book a Tarot Reading, Energy Healing or Online Psychic Counselling session.
Or learn some techniques to help with life’s difficulties, meditation and mindfulness or Reiki – please just get in touch with me via my Website:



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