What is reiki healing and how does it work ? | Sadhguru is wrong on Reiki?


well as a Reiki master myself i will not tell you about Reiki, fully ignoring the scientific side but will present you with unbiased information and my personal opinion on what is reiki healing and how does it work?

00:18-01:12//What is Reiki?
01:12-01:26//My Qualifications In Reiki
01:26-02:45//How does Reiki works?
02:45-03:34//Five principles of reiki
03:34-5:45//Is Reiki safe/good?
5:45-6:30//Types of Reiki
6:30-6:51//Is Reiki a science?
6:51-7:03//Misconceptions About Energy Healing, Should We Take Reiki Seriously?
7:03-9:52//Sadhguru is wrong on Reiki?
9:52-11:01//My opinion on Reiki

Hello guys my name is Bharat Sethi aka sunny aka saade sethi saab and in this channel i try to speak my heart out educate you, have new experience, provide you with a lot of interesting things so if you like my youtube content do subscribe to my channel.
Instagram – @sunny_sethi_111
Twitter – @sunnysethi111


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