Who/What is Your “Ideal Client Avatar”? Questions and Reiki to Define Yours


Your ideal client avatar is a method to help you define who you are talking to. Whether you’re sharing Reiki with friends and family or building a Reiki business, use a blend of introspective questions and Reiki meditation, you’ll learn to tune into your heart’s wisdom, visualizing those who will most benefit from your healing energy and are eager to learn more. This helps you find your words and voice when you are developing your social media, website and marketing materials. From simple answers to the deep dive. Follow up with the guided Reiki meditation we do in the next video to ask the questions and receive answers. 

Example questions:  

1. Who benefits most from your Reiki sessions? 
1. Picture these individuals or groups. What are their defining characteristics? Feel their energy and their presence. 
2. Imagine these clients in their daily environments. What does their day look like? Who are they in terms of age, profession, gender, lifestyle, values, and beliefs. 
2. What common problems or challenges do these satisfied clients face?
1. How does Reiki help them? 
2. Do they need physical, spiritual, emotional or mental healing,
3. Do they need empowerment, inspiration, connection? 
3. What are your gifts and Reiki services? 
1. How do your Reiki practices help them? 
4. How do your Reiki clients prefer to receive information? Newsletters, emails, personal contact, or websites? Or other ways? 

By defining your ideal client avatar using these questions, you’ll gain clarity and confidence in how you talk about your Reiki practice, ensuring your message reaches and resonates with the right people.

You can also enjoy a meditation titled: “Discover Your Ideal Reiki Client: A Guided Reiki Meditation”

Guided Meditation link:

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**DISCLAIMER** This episode is not a substitute for seeking professional medical care but is offered for relaxation and stress reduction which support the body’s natural healing capabilities. Reiki is a complement to and never a replacement for professional medical care. Colleen and Robyn are not licensed professional health care providers and urge you to always seek out the appropriate physical and mental help professional health care providers may offer. Results vary by individual.

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