💫20 min Reiki Healing for Aura cleaning on Physical and emotional level#reiki Healing Series


💫20 min Reiki healing for Aura Cleansing Meditation:
this is a meditation that you
can do whenever you go to
sleep. Each frequency in this
meditation corresponds to a
different chakra. The goal of
this meditation is to clear your
aura, balance and heal the
seven chakras using sound as
a healing tool. If you’re living a
balanced lifestyle, this should
happen naturally. When you’re
sleep deprived, and
overworked, your energetic
field may become unbalanced.
Meditation Instructions:
Lay down on a comfortable
position. Start focusing on
your breath and let your inner
chatter go away.
close your eyes Imagineyourself surrounded by a
brilliant light as you close your
Bring your awareness tO your
spirit guides and ask them to
protect you as you fall into
deep sleep.
Ask them to walk this light thru
your chakras as the music
changes from a frequency to
another, removing all the
negative energies, balancing
these centers and clearing
your Aura.


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